Tuesday 21 October 2008

scuba diving dangerous

scuba diving can be a great experience. Every year a quarter of a million a American put on a wet suit a jump to the water, to explore the under sea world.
If you are properly trained scuba diving can be very safe, but there are a few common medical condition that can make scuba diving dangerous.
Specialist say you should´t do scuba diving if:

If you follow these instruction you may not have problems but some people respect these rules but they are silly doing scuba diving and may have a problem and end like in these web site:

  • http://tkcollier.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/sharked-foot3.jpg
  • http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2371/2153157880_c7a467e315.jpg?v=0

  • normally people think all scuba diving problems are because of the sharps ,but no, one of the main problems is the blue hole.The blue hole consist in a very deep hole not very wide but very deep, where most people died because air condition.

    The blue hole is showed in these photos

    One of the other problems are sharps like in these video: