Wednesday, 22 October 2008
the end
and the last scuba diving photo:
treasures under sea
recovered from the bottom of the South China Sea,
animals at sea
There are about 350 species of sharks living in the ocean. A few species, such as the bull shark, swim into estuaries and up rivers. Sharks are cartilaginous fish that range in size from the pygmy shark, which is 25cm long, to the 12m whale shark. they are superb hunters and track their prey by sight, smell, and by detecting the electricity produce by moving fish. Only a few sharks are known to attack humans, but all should be treat with caution and respect.
dolphins are aquatic mammals that spend their lives in the water, coming to the surface to breathe. They are the most abundant and diverse member of the whale family. Dolphins have beak-like snouts and sharp, conical teeth and are ocean dwellers, although some live in fresh water. Porpoises are smaller than most dolphins and generally live in coastal water, rather than out in the open sea.
Killer whale:
killer whales are the largest member of the dolphin family. highly social and intelligent, they live in groups called pods. Killer whale communicate using a range of underwater calls, and with social signals such as flipper slapping or acrobatic leaps.
woderfull world
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
scuba diving dangerous
If you are properly trained scuba diving can be very safe, but there are a few common medical condition that can make scuba diving dangerous.
Specialist say you should´t do scuba diving if:
- you aren´t health
- Asma (in these page you may sea the object use if you have asma
- or even a cold or ether diseases
If you follow these instruction you may not have problems but some people respect these rules but they are silly doing scuba diving and may have a problem and end like in these web site:
normally people think all scuba diving problems are because of the sharps ,but no, one of the main problems is the blue hole.The blue hole consist in a very deep hole not very wide but very deep, where most people died because air condition.
The blue hole is showed in these photos
One of the other problems are sharps like in these video:
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Equipment neded to de water diving
- Rail, blade, fin, foot pocket, boot, wet suit, diving glove, death gauge, compres-air cylinder, emergency regulator, buoyancy compensator, air hose, regulator first stage, harmless, hood, mask, shorkel, regulator secong stage, inflator valve, purge vulvae, maunthplese, weight belt, information consol, thermometer, pressure gauge, depth gauge.
If you don't have these equipment you may be in danger, but even if you have these equipment you can be in danger.
like in these web site:
These are some pages were you may see the equipment: